



先知:i know you're neo,be right with you.

neo:you're the orache?

先知:bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost done. *** ell good,don't they?


先知:i'd ask you to sit down,but you're notgoing to anyway.and don't worryabout the vase.

neo:what vase?

先知:that vase

neo:i'm sorry.

先知:i said,don't worry about it.i'll get one of my kids to fix it.

neo:how did you know?

先知:what's really going to bake your noodle later on is would you stillhave broken it if i hadn't anything?you're cuter than i thought.i can see why she likes you.


先知:not too bright,though.you know why morpheus brought you to see me.so,what did you think .do you think you are the one?

neo:i don't know.

先知:you know what that means?it's latin.means,"i know theyself." i'll letyou in on a little secret.being the one is just like being in love.no one can tell you you're in love.you just know that,through and through.balls to bones.well,i'd better have to look at you.open your mouth.say,"ah"

neo:ah~~~(neo 真够)

先知:ok,i'msupposed to say ,"hmm,that's interesting,but then you say.


先知:but you already know what i'm going to tell you.

neo:i'm not the one.

先知:sorry,kid.you got the gift,but it looks like you're waiting for something.


先知:your nextlife,maybe.who knows?that's the way these things go.

neo:( *** ile)

先知:what's funny?

neo:morpheus,he almost had me convinced.

先知:i know.poor morpheus.without him,we're lost.

neo:what do you mean,"without him"?

先知:are you sure you want to hear this?morpheus believes in you,neo.and no on ,not you,not even me can convince him otherwise.he believes it so blinaly,that he'sgoing to sacrifice his life to save yours.


先知:you're going to have to make a choice.in the one hand,you'll have morpheus'life.and in another hand,you'll have your own.one of you will going to die.which one will be up to you.i'm sorry kiddo.i really am.you have good soul.and i hate giving good people bad news.dot worry about it.as soon as you step outside that door.you'll start feeling better.you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap.you're in control your own life. remember? here,take a cookie. i promise,by the time you're done eating it.you'll feel right as rain.



Zion! Hear me!


It is true what many of you have heard.


The machines have gathered

an army, and as I speak...


...that army is drawing nearer

to our home.


Believe me when I say we have

a difficult time ahead of us.


But if we are to be prepared for it,

we must first shed our fear of it.



I stand here before you now

truthfully unafraid.




Because I believe something you do not?




I stand here without fear

because I remember.


I remember that I am here not because

of the path that lies before me...



...but because of the path

that lies behind me.



I remember that for 100 years

we have fought these machines.


I remember that for 100 years

they have sent their armies to destroy us.



And after a century of war,

I remember that which matters most:



We are still here!




...let us send a message to that army.


Tonight, let us shake this cave.


Tonight, let us tremble these halls...


...of earth, steel and stone.


Let us be heard from red core

to black sky.



Tonight, let us make them remember:


This is Zion and we are not afraid!



Trinity: I know why you're here, Neo. I know what you've been doing. I know why you hardly sleep... ...why you live alone, and why, night after night... ...you sit at your computer. You're looking for him. I know, because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me... he told me that i wasn't really looking for him....I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Neo. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question... ...just as I did. Neo: What is the Matrix? Trinity: The answer is out there, Neo. It's looking for you. And it will find you... ...if you want it to. . Mr. Boss: You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. you believe that you're special, and somehow the rules do not apply to you. Honestly, you're mistaken. This company is one of the top software companies in the world... because every single employees understand they are part of a whole. Thus, if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem. The time has come to make a choice, Mr. Anderson.Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth... or you choose to find another job. Do I make myself clear? Neo: Yes, Mr. Rhineheart. Perfectly clear. . Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson... you disappoint me. Neo: You can't scare me with this gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call. Agent Smith: Tell me, Mr. Anderson... ...what good is a phone call... ...if you're unable to speak? . Morpheus: At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed... ...I am Morpheus. Neo: It's an honor to meet you. Morpheus: No...the honor is mine. . Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo? Neo: No.

Morpheus: Why not? Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. . Neo: Morpheus, what's happening to me? what is this place? Morpheus: More important than "what" is "when." Neo: "When"? Morpheus: You believe it's the year 1999... ...when, in fact, it's closer to 2199. I can't tell you exactly what year it is... ...because we honestly we don't know. There's nothing I can say that will explain it for you, Neo. Come with me. See it for yourself. . Neo: This isn't real? Morpheus: What is "real"? How do you define "real"? ...if you're talking about what you can *** ell, what you can taste and what you can see... ...then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. . Morpheus: Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. . Neo: I can't go back, can I? Morpheus: No...But if you could...would you really want to? . Morpheus: Good! Adaptation... improvisation. But your weakness... is not your technique. . Mouse: what if he makes it? Tank: No one's ever made the first jump. Mouse: I know. I know. But what if he does? Apoc: He won't. Trinity: Come on. . Neo: So, is this the same oracle that made... the prophecy? Morpheus: Yes. She's very old. She's been with us since the beginning.

Neo: The beginning? Morpheus: Of the resistance. Neo: And she knows what? Everything? Morpheus: She would say she knows enough. Neo: and she's never wrong? Morpheus: Try not to think of it in terms of right and wrong. She is a guide, Neo. She can help you to find the path. . Potential Child: Do not try to bend the spoon. That's impossible.Instead, only try to realize the truth. Neo: What truth? Potential Child: There is no spoon. Neo: There is no spoon? Potential Child: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends. It is only yourself. . Oracle: I'd ask you to sit down...but you're not going to do anything.And don't worry about the vase. Neo: What vase? Oracle: That vase. Neo: I'm sorry. Oracle: I said, don't worry about it. I'll get one of my kids to fix it. Neo: How did you know? Oracle: What's really going to bake your noodle later on is... ...would you still have broken it if I hadn't said that thing? . Oracle: I'll let you in on a little secret. Being the One is just like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love. You just know it... through and through. Balls to bones. . Agent Smith: It came to me when I tried to classify your species... ...and I realized... ...that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet...instinctively develops an natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move

to an area, and you multiply... and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive... is to spread to another area. There is another organi *** on this planet... that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease. A cancer of this planet. You are a plague. and we are the cure. . Neo: Morpheus,The Oracle... She told me... Morpheus: She told you... what you needed to hear. That's all. Neo, Sooner or later you'll realize, just as I did...there's a difference between knowing the path... ...and walking the path. .

Neo: I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone. And then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world...without you... A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries... A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there...is a choice I leave to you..




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