




从 Matrix I 到 Matrix III,整整四年,一对名叫沃卓斯基(导演加编剧)的兄弟给科幻电影带来一次史无前例的冲击,无论从思想上还是视觉效果上都超过了以往任何一部科幻电影,从来没有一部科幻电影能够创造这么多的 Fans 也没有任何一部科幻电影能像 Matrix 这样引发如此大规模的讨论----讨论剧情,讨论主题,讨论特效,讨论演员,笔者绝不敢自称 100% 的看懂了(我把看懂定义为“理解沃卓斯基兄弟眼中剧情和主题的原意”,以免就这个“看懂”一词遭来无数的非议),但是我愿意把我所理解的 The Matrix 的故事写出来与大家分享。


之一集的故事还比较好懂,相信看过两遍的人都能懂:人类的科技文明发展到某一天,机器的人工智能已经开始超越了人所能控制的范围,于是,机器开始了挑战人类的战争,结果,机器打胜了,地球上的人类分成了两部分,一部分是被驱逐到地心深处一个名叫锡安(Zion)的溶洞中的地球原著民,他们继续在跟机器进行着战斗,试图摧毁机器世界,重新获得地球的主宰权,另一部分则是机器的战利品,他们一生下来就被养在机器制造的试管中,也会生长发育,只是他们并不知道过去曾经发生的一切,他们活在机器创造的一个虚拟世界里面,完全是由程序编写的一个虚拟世界,这个虚拟世界被锡安的人称为 Matrix,它就像一个超级的 *** 游戏;对于机器来说,这部分人类的作用是给机器提供生物电,使得机器能够拥有必需的能源。如果说,机器只是需要这些试管人类的生物电,为什么还要花大力气编写 Matrix 这个 *** 游戏呢?可能的原因有两个,一个是只有这些试管人的大脑不停的有活动才能产生足够的生物电和促进机体的生长发育产生更多的生物电;另一个是,作为战利品,机器对这些曾经创造了他们的人类也很感兴趣,就像人类研究猴子一样研究人类作为一种乐趣,这个原因对于电影来说,已经并不重要,总之机器创造了 Matrix,而在锡安里的人不断地想设法解救 Matrix 中的人,告知他们真相,加入反抗的队伍中,这些被解救的人以莫非斯为代表。因为莫非斯这些人来自 Matrix,所以他们的脑袋上保留有插头,可以重新接入 Matrix,莫非斯在 Matrix 中见到了一个有预知未来能力的人叫先知(Oracle),他告诉莫非斯,你们想战胜机器,就必须找到一个人,他才是真正的救世主(The One),莫非斯对此深信不疑,他找到了他认为就是救世主的那个人---尼奥(Neo),于是之一集的真正主角登场了,那么如同所有故事片一样,有了正面人物就必须要有反面人物,之一集的反面人物就是 Matrix 中维持秩序的特工(Agent),他们不是真正的人类,他们完完全全是由机器编写的程序,有点像防火墙或者说入侵检测程序,特工的代表人物叫做 Smith,他们的任务是阻止莫非斯他们的解救行动并杀死他们。于是之一集就在叛军和特工之间的战斗中展开,与其说是战斗不如说一场逃亡游戏,在之一集里面,观众们看到就是莫非斯、尼奥、崔尼悌这些叛军们不停的逃,特工们不停的追。奔跑、跳跃成了之一集动作的主题。但是到了影片的最后,尼奥在被 Smith 杀死以后又复活了,并且具备了超能力,他看穿了 Matrix 中的一切,在他眼中,Matrix 中的物体不再是形象,而是有数字组成的矩阵,于是,莫非斯认为的救世主(The One)诞生了,特工变的根本不是尼奥的对手,尼奥钻进 Smith 的身体中,把他撕的四分五裂。

这就是之一集的故事,故事很精彩,效果很棒,票房极好,那一年是 1999 年,这部影片获得了四项奥斯卡奖,影片中的众多特效镜头被奉为经典。接下来有传闻说要拍续集,于是大多数人包括我在内,都自然而然的认为就如同《终结者》《生死时速》《沉默羔羊》一样,因为之一集的票房很好,有了这个人气的保证,不管怎样只要凑一个续集出来,让这些主要人物重新登场,就一定还有票房,因此,自然而然的就猜测第二集应该讲的是在尼奥这个救世主的带领下,将 Matrix 中解救出来的人组成一支人类的强大军队,以锡安为后盾,与那些“八爪鱼”展开战斗,最终以人类的胜利为结束,皆大欢喜,拍成一部像《星球大战》《独立日》一般的战争史诗片。但是,当我了解到导演沃卓斯基兄弟的一些拍摄计划以后,我开始认为我的想法过于简单,按照网上得来的消息,Matrix II 的上映时间将是 2003 年,相隔要四年,而且还不止 Matrix II,Matrix III 也将同时拍摄,也就是说 Matrix II 和 Matrix III 几乎同时拍摄完毕,都在 2003 年上映,沃卓斯基兄弟还告诉我们,Matrix 从来就是一个完整的故事,并不是先有了 I 再想到去拍摄 II 和 III,只不过故事太长,必须要拍摄三部才够,Matrix I 只是故事的开始,真正让观众吃惊的都在后面,Matrix 的故事绝没有你们想象的那么简单。我突然意识到,这对兄弟不简单,Matrix 的续集不会像我想的如此简单。好了,我们现在开始来说第二集的故事,在整个 Matrix 的故事中,第二集的作用是承上启下,也是最为难懂,引起争议和讨论最多的一集,在这一集里面众多的新人物纷纷登场?

让人目不暇接,眼花缭乱。故事从尼奥的一个梦开始,他梦见崔尼悌被特工用枪打中了,这一开始其实就埋下了一个伏笔,按照电影的一般惯例,这种梦最后多半会成为真实的(影片确实也是如此),那么我不禁就要发问,既然这是在真实世界,尼奥怎么可能能梦到未来发生的事情(注意,这是科幻电影,不是指环王这样的神话故事电影,现实世界中你说一个人梦到了未来那是封建迷信),这不符合科幻电影严谨的逻辑,难道导演又要在这一集里面插入一些什么奇幻电影的因素,接下来要出现什么魔法阿超自然力阿什么的吗?接着,上一集被杀死的 Smith 又复活了,理论上并不是复活,而是升级了,在尼奥钻入他身体的时候,Smith 获得了尼奥的部分代码,最终导致了 Smith 的复活(升级),升级版的 Smith 不再是一个普通的特工,他变得更加强大,而且不受 Matrix 的控制,可以将自己的代码(思想)植入 Matrix 中的人甚至特工的身体中,从而复制自己,并控制他们,这个功能非常可怕,意味着 Smith 可以不断的复制自己,尼奥和 Smith 的第二次正面打斗的戏就是尼奥面对一堆的 Smith 不停的打,怎么也打不完,越打越多,最后只好像超人一样三十六计飞走了。接着影片出现了第二个伏笔,Smith 复制了一个锡安的叛军,这个叫本恩的叛军通过 *** 回到了锡安,但是显然,他的思想已经变化了,不再是原来的本恩,而变成了 Smith 附身的本恩,这里我不禁又要问,既然锡安是真实世界,那么来自 Matrix 中的程序 Smith 怎么可能能够控制真实世界中的人,就像一台电脑把网线都拔了,他怎么还会被黑客入侵呢?尼奥莫非斯他们回到了锡安,观众有幸目睹了这个人类最后一个城市的壮观景象,我们开始知道,莫非斯也只是一个普通的船长,他也有上司,就是他的情敌司令官,锡安的更高权力机构是议会,议员有男有女,都是老人。而莫非斯所坚信的所谓救世主并不为大多数锡安人认同,在锡安,尼奥只不过是个小有名气的普通人而已。在锡安,尼奥和一个老议员的一段对话非常重要,是整个 Matrix 中几段经典对话之一,是揭示整个故事主题的点睛之笔,大意是这样,议员带尼奥来到锡安的动力和循环系统控制中心,看着那些巨大的机器在运转,说我虽然知道这些机器的名称和作用,但是我却根本不知道这些机器是如何工作的,他问尼奥你说什么是控制,尼奥说控制就是我们随时都可在我们想的时候把机器给关掉,议员说说得没错,可是关掉之后我们也就失去了赖以生存的各种循环系统。我想,议员是在告诉观众,人类世界与机器世界已经是你中有我我中有你的状态,互为依存的关系,从这里我可以隐约感觉到电影的最终结局必然是人类和机器要达到一种新的和谐。尼奥他们继续出征,他们要重新找到先知,让她告诉尼奥战胜机器世界的最终办法,先知告诉尼奥你必须先找到开锁人(Keymaker),可以帮助尼奥打开一扇门,去见到神秘的幕后人物。于是,又有几个新的人物类型登场了,其中有那个法国人,严格来说,他并不是和摩非斯他们一样的试管中的人,而是一段程序,这段程序很老,而且他还有编程能力,可以编出像“ *** ”这样的小程序,Matrix 已经不再需要他,要把他删除,但是他又设法逃脱了删除,他收留了很多这样即将被删除但又逃脱的程序,包括一对有特殊能力的双胞胎兄弟,他们像幽灵一样可以自由出入很多程序,这些人并不像特工,他们就像 Matrix 中的独行侠一样,独来独往,特立独行,有他们自己的生活规则和生存方式,但是这些人的能力也有限,并不能改变 Matrix,也不对 Matrix 构成太大的威胁。法国人囚禁着开锁人(Keymaker),尼奥他们的目的就是救出开锁人,于是一场史无前例的追车大战开始了,其中有穿插着莫非斯和特工的决斗,就像沃卓斯基自己说的,他们要终结以往所有的追车场面,为此,剧组特地建造了一条专用的高速公路拍戏,总共动用了 300 多辆各种不同的车,炸毁、撞翻了无数,真是史无前例,这场追车大战直看得人神魂颠倒。最后,尼奥在开锁人的帮助下见到了那个幕后的神秘人物,他,就是 Matrix 的建造者,设计师(Architector),在这里,尼奥与设计师的一段对话终于揭示了第二集的真正内容,由于这段话实在太重要,我在这里全文摘录如下:

The Architect - Hello, Neo.


Neo - Who are you?


The Architect - I am the Architect. I created the matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant.

设计师:我是设计师,是我创造了 Matrix。我一直在等你。我知道你有很多问题要问,虽然整个过程改变了你的意识,但你依然是不折不扣的人类。所以我的一些回答你也许能明白,有些你也许不能明白。你的之一个问题也许是最有关键的一个问题,同时你也许意识到或没有意识到它也是最无关紧要的问题。

Neo - Why am I here?


The Architect - Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

设计师:你的生命是 Matrix 固有程序中一个失衡因式的残留总和。你是一个偏差的偶然性,是尽管我竭尽全力,仍不能消除的影响数学精度和谐的一个偏差。尽管它不断地制造麻烦让我小心翼翼地处理它,但它并不是不可预测的,它仍然处于控制范围之内。它引导着你来到这里。

Neo - You haven't answered my question.


The Architect - Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.


*The responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: Others? What others? How many? Answer me!*


The Architect - The matrix is older than you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which

case this is the sixth version.

设计师:Matrix 比你想像的要老得多。我比较喜欢用一个完整偏差的出现到下一个完整偏差出现的方式来计算,这已经是第六个版本的 Matrix。

*Again, the responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: Five versions? Three? I've been lied too. This is bull****.*


Ne There are only two possible explanations: either no one told me, or no one knows.


The Architect - Precisely. As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly's systemic, creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.


Once again, the responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: You can't control me! **** you! I'm going to kill you! You can't make me do anything!*

*其他救世主的回复再次显现在监视器上:你控制不了我!*** you!我会干掉你!我不会为你做任何事情!

Neo - Choice. The problem is choice.


*The scene cuts to Trinity fighting an agent, and then back to the Architects room*


The Architect - The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature. However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program,initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.

设计师:我设计的之一个 Matrix 非常完美,它简直就像是一件完美而卓越的艺术品。它的成功和失败都同样是史诗性的。它失败的必然性在我看来是每个人类固有的非完美性的结果。所以我根据你们人类的历史重新设计了 Matrix,以便更准确地反映你们人类本性中多变的怪诞特质。可是我再次失败了。我终于了解到我得不到正确答案是因为它不需要太多的考虑或是也许不需要考虑太多完美性的问题因素。答案最终为另一个指导性的程序偶然发现,这个程序原本是为了研究某些人类思维的。如果说我是Matrix 之父,她无疑是 Matrix 之母。

Neo - The Oracle.


The Architect - Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level. While this answer functioned, it was obviously

fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

设计师:嗯。正如我所说的,她偶然发现了一个 *** 使得将近 99.9% 的试验体接受程序, 那就是给他们一个选择的机会,他们甚至只是仅仅意识到这个选择只是处于无意识的阶段. 这个解决方案最初进行时, 它无疑从基础上是有缺陷的, 因而产生了相矛盾的系统偏差, 如果不加以抑制就会威胁到系统本身. 因此那些拒绝程序的试验体, 尽管只是少数, 但如果不加以抑制就会不断增加形成灾难的可能性.

Neo - This is about Zion.

Neo :你指的是锡安。

The Architect - You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.


Neo - Bull****.


*The responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: Bull****!*


The Architect - Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.


*Scene cuts to Trinity fighting an agent, and then back to the Architects room.*


The Architect - The function of the One is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the matrix 23 individuals, 16 female, 7 male, to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a catacly *** ic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.

设计师:救世主的作用就是现在要返回源极,散播你所携带的编码,重新植入源程序。然后你要从 Matrix 中选出 16 个女性,7 个男性共 23 个人类个体来重建锡安。如果没有按照这个步骤来进行,将会导致灾难性的系统崩溃,这会杀死连接在 Matrix 上的所有人附带的锡安毁灭,这也意味着全人类的绝灭。

Neo - You won't let it happen, you can't. You need human beings to survive.


The Architect - There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world.


*The Architect presses a button on a pen that he is holding, and images of people from all over the matrix appear on the monitors*

*设计师按下他拿在手里的笔上的一个按键,Matrix 里各个地方的人的图像显现在监视器里。

The Architect - It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While the others

experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, love.

设计师:观察你的反应很有趣。你的五个前辈都是在一个相同推断的基础上设计以便你执行我们设计好的流程,这个可能的巧合意味着与你们种类的附属关系. 其他的那些救世主们是按常规的方式经历这一过程的,相对他们, 你的经历却是相当特殊的, 你经历着爱.

*Images of Trinity fighting the agent from Neo’s dream appear on the monitors*


Neo - Trinity.


The Architect - Apropos, she entered the matrix to save your life at the cost of her own.

设计师:顺带说一句,她进入 Matrix 牺牲她自己是为了救你。

Neo - No!


The Architect - Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the anomaly revealed as both beginning, and end. There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the source, and the salvation of Zion. The door to the left leads back to the matrix, to her, and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you're going to do, don't we? Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onset of emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic, and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple, and obvious truth: she is going to die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it.

设计师: 这最终让我们来到揭示真相的时刻. 基本缺陷出现时, 偏差表现为开始和结束. 这里有两道门. 你右边的门是通往源极拯救锡安的. 你左边的门是回到 Matrix, 去往她以及你们种类绝灭的. 就像你说的, 问题的关键是选择. 可是我们已经知道你准备如何选择了, 不是吗? 我已经能够看到由此产生的连锁反应, 你体内的前体生化物质发出的信号引起情感的开始, 压制了你的逻辑和理智. 你的情感已经蒙蔽了一个简单而明显的事实——她就快要死了,而你却无可奈何。

*Neo walks to the door on his left*


The Architect - Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.


Neo - If I were you, I would hope that we don't meet again.


The Architect - We won't.



基努·里维斯Keanu Reeves -- 尼奥Neo




Beirut, Lebanon


Keanu Charles Reeves


The Wall (due to his position in ice hockey)


Norman Kreeves|K.C. Reeves|Chuck Spidena



作品年表 - Actor

• 黑暗扫瞄仪 A Scanner Darkly (2006)

• 触不到的恋人 The Lake House (2006)

• 地狱星 Constantine (2005)

• 爱是妥协 Something's Gotta Give (2003)

• 黑客帝国3:革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

• 黑客帝国2:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

• 硬式棒球 Hardball (2001)

• 甜蜜十一月 Sweet November (2001)

• 惊魂眼 The Gift (2000)

• 夺命追踪 The Watcher (2000)

• 替补队员 The Replacements (2000)

• 黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999)

• 魔鬼代言人 The Devil's Advocate (1997)

• 连锁反应 Chain Reaction (1996)

• 非常任务 Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

• 生死时速 Speed (1994)

• 吸血僵尸惊情四百年 Dracula (1992)

劳伦斯·费什伯恩Laurence Fishburne -- 墨菲斯Morpheus(光头)




Augusta, Georgia, USA


Fish |Larry


Larry Fishburme|Laurence Fishburne III|Larry Fishburne|Lawrence Fishburne




演员 cast

1 A Landlord's Tale (2007) .....

2 The Death and Life of Bobby Z (2006) ..... Tad Gruzsa

3 阿基拉和拼字比赛 Akeelah and the Bee (2006) ..... Dr. Larabee

4 Bobby (2006) ..... Edward Robinson

5 谍中谍3 Mission: Impossible III (2006) ..... Theodore Brassel

6 The Black Movie Awards (2005) ..... Himself-Presenter

7 The Matrix Online (2005) ..... Morpheus

8 The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2005) ..... Himself - Presenter: Film Clip from "Hotel Rwanda"

9 The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005) ..... Morpheus (archive footage)

10 Five Fingers (2005) .....

11 True Crime: New York City (2005) ..... Isaiah Reed (voice)

12 The 59th Annual Tony Awards (2005) ..... Presenter Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play

13 血溅13号警署 Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) ..... Marion Bishop

14 The Dream Studio (2004) ..... Himself (archive footage)

15 Mystic River: Beneath the Surface (2004) ..... Himself

16 Mystic River: From Page to Screen (2004) ..... Himself

17 The Burly Man Chronicles (2004) ..... Himself

18 The Matrix Recalibrated (2004) ..... Himself

19 The N-Word (2004) ..... (archive footage)

20 黑客帝国2:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) ..... Morpheus

21 Crash Course (2003) ..... Himself

22 悬河杀机 Mystic River (2003) ..... Sgt. Whitey Powers

23 黑客帝国3:矩阵革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) ..... Morpheus

24 The 57th Annual Tony Awards (2003) ..... Himself

25 Friendly Fire: Making an Urban Legend (2003) ..... Himself

26 Enter the Matrix (2003) ..... Morpheus

27 布鲁斯之魂 The Soul of a Man (2003) ..... Narrator

28 蛇行太保 Biker Boyz (2003) ..... Smoke

29 黑客帝国:重访矩阵 The Matrix Revisited (2001) ..... Himself/Morpheus

30 捍胃战士 O *** osis Jones (2001) ..... Thrax

31 "Christianity: The First Two Thousand Years" (2001) ..... Narrator (voice)

32 Welcome to Hollywood (2000) ..... Himself

33 Michael Jordan to the Max (2000) ..... Narrator (voice)

34 2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000) ..... Himself/Morpheus (as Lawrence Fishburne)

35 Sex and the Matrix (2000) ..... Morpheus (archive footage)

36 Once in the Life (2000) ..... 20/20 Mike

37 VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards (2000) ..... Himself

38 Making 'The Matrix' (1999) ..... Himself

39 The Matrix: The Movie Special (1999) ..... Himself

40 黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999) ..... Morpheus

41 The 53rd Annual Tony Awards (1999) ..... Himself

42 Intimate Portrait: Agnes Nixon (1999) ..... Himself

43 Always Outnumbered (1998) ..... Socrates Fortlow

44 暴徒 Hoodlum (1997) ..... Bumpy Johnson

45 Miss Evers' Boys (1997) ..... Caleb Humphries

46 黑洞表面 Event Horizon (1997) ..... Captain Miller

47 Kennedy Center's 25th Anniversary (1996) ..... Himself

48 亡命悍将 Fled (1996) ..... Charles Piper

49 Before Your Eyes (1996) ..... Narrator

50 The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) ..... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Song

51 奥赛罗 Othello (1995) ..... Othello

52 黑色轰炸机 The Tuskegee Airmen (1995) ..... Hannibal Lee

53 正当防卫 Just Cause (1995) ..... Sheriff Tanny Brown

54 轰天杀手 Bad Company (1995) ..... Nelson Crowe/Narrator

55 校园大冲突 Higher Learning (1995) ..... Professor Maurice Phipps

56 第66届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) ..... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role

57 与爱何干 What's Love Got to Do with It (1993) ..... Ike Turner, Sr.

58 "The Wild West" (1993) ..... Nat Love (voice)

59 王者之旅 Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) ..... Vinnie

60 Choices (1992) ..... Himself

61 卧龙战警 Deep Cover (1992) ..... Russell Stevens, Jr./John Hull/Narrator

62 法网雄心 Class Action (1991) ..... Nick Holbrook (as Larry Fishburne)

63 黑暗之心 Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse (1991) ..... Himself

64 街区男孩 Boyz n the Hood (1991) ..... Jason 'Furious' Styles

65 南北战争 "The Civil War" (1990) ..... (voice) (as Larry Fishburne)

66 Decoration Day (1990) ..... Michael Waring, DOD Man

67 Cadence (1990) ..... Roosevelt Stokes (as Larry Fishburne)

68 黑道皇帝 King of New York (1990) ..... Jimmy Jump

69 Christmas Special (1988) ..... Cowboy Curtis

70 学校万花筒 School Daze (1988) ..... Dap

71 红场特警 Red Heat (1988) ..... Lt. Charlie Stobbs (as Larry Fishburne)

72 猛鬼逛街 A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) ..... Max

73 石花园 Gardens of Stone (1987) ..... Sgt. Flanagan (as Larry Fishburne)

74 金甲无敌 Cherry 2000 (1987) ..... Glu Glu Lawyer (as Larry Fishburne)

75 四海小兄弟 Band of the Hand (1986) ..... Cream

76 "Pee-wee's Playhouse" (1986) ..... Cowboy Curtis (as Larry Fishburne)

77 银色快手 Quicksilver (1986) ..... Voodoo (as Larry Fishburne)

78 紫色 The Color Purple (1985) ..... Swain (as Larry Fishburne)

79 棉花俱乐部 The Cotton Club (1984) ..... Bumpy Rhodes (as Larry Fishburne)

80 斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983) ..... Midget

81 For Us the Living: The Medgar Evers Story (1983) ..... Jimbo Collins (as Larry Fishburme)

82 I Take These Men (1983) ..... Hank Johnson (as Larry Fishburne)

83 猛龙怪客续集 Death Wish II (1982) ..... Cutter (as Laurence Fishburne III)

84 A Rumor of War (1980) ..... Lightbulb

85 Willie and Phil (1980) ..... Wilson

86 "The Six O'Clock Follies" (1980) ..... Robby Robinson

87 Fast Break (1979) ..... Street Kid (as Laurence Fishburne III)

88 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979) ..... Tyrone 'Clean' Miller

89 If You Give a Dance, You Gotta Pay the Band (1975) .....

90 面包、伯爵和我 Cornbread, Earl and Me (1975) ..... Wilford Robinson (as Lawrence Fishburne)

91 "One Life to Live" (1968) ..... Dr. Joshua "Josh" Hall #1 (1973-1976)

导演 director

1 Once in the Life (2000) .....

编剧 writer

1 Once in the Life (2000) ..... also play Riff Raff

制片 producer

1 A Landlord's Tale (2007) ..... producer

2 阿基拉和拼字比赛 Akeelah and the Bee (2006) ..... producer

3 The Beltway (2005) ..... producer

4 Five Fingers (2005) ..... producer

5 Once in the Life (2000) ..... producer

6 Always Outnumbered (1998) ..... executive producer

7 暴徒 Hoodlum (1997) ..... executive producer

8 Miss Evers' Boys (1997) ..... executive producer

全体团队 crewmembers

1 黑客帝国:重访矩阵 The Matrix Revisited (2001) ..... special thanks

凯瑞·安妮摩斯Carrie-Anne Moss -- 翠尼蒂Trinity





* 传记

凯莉·安妮·莫斯身高1米74,出生在加拿大的温哥华。凯莉-安·摩斯是身母亲辛苦抚养的家里最小的孩子,她有一个姐姐。她的名字由来则有些趣闻,乃是当年狂爱音乐的母亲取自当时Horries乐队的一首流行歌曲《Carrie Anne》。之后身材高挑秀美的凯莉·安妮·莫斯发现自己适合做一名出色的模特,就在20岁时她凭着漂亮的外形离开了温暖的家,跑回西班牙干起了职业模特。立刻取得了成功,很快就出现在世界各地的广告和杂志封面上。当凯莉·安妮·莫斯干模特正起劲时,当年的知名电视剧《黑暗的公正》来到西班牙拍摄,幸运的凯莉·安妮·莫斯得到了其中的一个角色,之后她为了圆梦,干脆跟着摄制组来到了好莱坞。从此凯莉·安妮·莫斯正式踏足演艺圈。其后,她又从事商业广告,在洛杉机的休斯顿剧院上演的《出海》中出演一个角色。1999年的《黑客帝国》改变了摩斯的命运,她因此片一举成名,片中她戴着黑超和身披黑衣的基努·里维斯相互辉映。随后在2000年她出演的《记忆碎片》也获得了评论界的一致好评。正像评论界所称赞的,干净利落的魅力,从来都是那样的深入人心。她的丈夫是演员斯蒂文·罗伊,他们于1999年11月结婚,育有二子。


米尼的之一次 Mini's First Time (2006)

Fido (2006)

Disturbia (2006)

我行我素 The Chumscrubber (2005)

Snow Cake (2005)

The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005)

Sledge: The Untold Story (2005)

零号嫌疑犯/罪魁祸首 Suspect Zero (2004)

The Burly Man Chronicles (2004)

黑客帝国3:矩阵革命/黑客帝国3:最后战役/黑客帝国3:帝国革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

黑客帝国2:重装上阵/骇客帝国2/黑客帝国2/黑客帝国II The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Enter the Matrix (2003)

骇客帝国动画版 The Animatrix (2003)

A Detective Story (2003)

Kid's Story (2003)

Enter the Matrix (2003)

The 2002 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards (2002)

The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards (2002)

The Matrix Revisited (2001)

记忆碎片/纪念品 Memento (2000)

巧克力 Chocolat (2000)

红色星球 Red Planet (2000)

狐群狗党 The Crew (2000)

黑客帝国/骇客帝国/22世纪杀人 *** The Matrix (1999)

Making 'The Matrix' (1999)

The Matrix: The Movie Special (1999)

新血 New Blood (1999)

终极死线 Lethal Tender (1997)

恐吓 Terrified (1996)

Headless Body in Topless Bar (1996)

不可能的猎杀 Sabotage (1996)

Doorways (1993)

凶杀案后 Flashfire (1993)


尼奥(neo)/托马斯·安德森(thomas anderson)


组成neo(尼奥)的这三个字母掉转顺序后就可以组成“one”,表示他就是那个拯救人类的救世主“the one”。而“基督”一词在希伯来语中的本意就是“被指定的那个人”——the one。





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